nominations overview

key dates | eligibility | nominations | shortlist and winners 

nominations open w/c Monday 21 April 2025

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2025 key dates

The period under review for all awards is from 1 October 2024 to 30 September 2025.

w/c Monday 21 April 2025 – nominations open

Friday 27 June 2025 – nominations close  

Friday 25 July 2025 – submission form deadline  

Thursday 25 September 2025 – voting panel meeting 

Friday 26 September 2025 – shortlist announced 

Thursday 13 November 2025 – UK tech awards 2025 at the Hotel InterContinental


UK: Companies should either be headquartered in the UK, or have substantial management, control and ownership based in the UK and/or be listed in London.

tech: An eligible company for the UK tech awards will be one whose business growth and success is dependent on, or attributed to, the development of its technology. Eligible companies will have developed their IP and will be able to demonstrate significant innovation in the technology or its application. For the purposes of these awards, eligible companies could be involved in communications, electronic and digital technologies, biotech, medtech, fintech, govtech and/or cleantech.

2025 nominations

Nominations will open here w/c Monday 21 April 2025 and will close on Friday 27 June 2025. 


There are no costs to enter the UK tech awards.

Nominations for the UK tech awards will open w/c 21 April 2025. You will then be able to make one or several nominations by following the online instructions.

Once your nomination(s) have been submitted, the nominator should receive an email confirmation and the nominee(s) should also then receive an email outlining the next steps.

Submission form

For seven of the categories – scale-up, tech for good, tech growth business of the year, tech businesswoman of the year, tech innovation of the year, tech CEO of the year and tech company of the year – nominees will be sent an email containing a link to the submission form. Please fill out the form and return, as directed therein by Friday 25 July 2025. If you require any assistance with the submission, please email Jo Thomas at

Details supplied in your submission, along with other publicly available information such as your company accounts, will be assessed as part of the judging process. The Voting Panel will discuss and debate nominations on Thursday 25 September 2025 and the final shortlist will be announced on this website on Friday 26 September 2025.

If you have any queries regarding the nominations process, or the submission forms, please contact

The awards will be presented at the UK tech awards on Thursday 13 November 2025.

For further information on sponsorship, purchasing a table at the event or any other queries regarding the dinner, please contact Jo Thomas on 07866 567713. 

2025 shortlist and winners

The shortlist will be announced on Friday 26 September 2025. Winners will be announced at the UK tech awards on Thursday 13 November 2025.